Thursday, June 2, 2011


These two poems are pieces that I really enjoy. I thought I'd share them.

Imagination - Robert Fulghum

"I believe that imagination is stronger than knowledge-

That myth is more potent than history.

I believe that dreams are more powerful than facts-

That hope always triumphs over experience-

That laughter is the only cure for grief.

And I believe that love is stronger than death."

Robert Fulghum

The second piece is a poem we use as a communion reflection for First Holy Communion and I think it strikes a chord with all who come to share in the ceremony with the children.

Why is it, Lord?

Why is it, Lord
That parents see puddles and think wellies
And our children see magic mirrors
Waiting for a pepple-plop
To ripple into smiles:

Why is it, Lord
That parents see snow and think gloves
And our children see sleds and slides
And the tingle of snowflake's farewell kiss
Upon the palm?

Why is it, Lord,
That parent see toys and think tidy
And our children see the endless possibilities
For fantasy and play?

Why is it that when we were growing up
We somehow grew away?                            
Away from all the joy and wonder
In the everyday?
From carefree to careful
From outgoing to anxious
From confident to concerned?
And unless we regain our vision of God
In the here and now
How shall we ever know him then?

Help us to be humble.
To be led by our children
Into the small joys and special moments
Where miracles abound.
So that hand in hand
We may enter with them.
The Kingdom of Heaven.


  1. I love both of these poems=. They complement each other. I definitely think imagination is what keeps us writers/bloggers young at heart.


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